Assistant Director, Consumer Health Coverage Assistance Team (MIA ADMINISTRATOR II) - #25-009642-0003

  • State of Maryland
  • Baltimore, Maryland
  • Full Time

The Maryland InsuranceAdministration MIA) is an independent State agency that regulates Marylands$46 billion insurance industry and protects consumers by monitoring andenforcing insurers and insurance professionals compliance with State law.Staff members are subject matter experts who serve as a resource for lawmakers,consumers, and other public and private entities.

The MIA is charged with abroad range of responsibilities including the licensure of insurance carriersand insurance producers (brokers/agents) operating in Maryland, the conduct offinancial examinations of companies to monitor financial solvency, and thereview and approval of rates and contract forms. The MIA investigates reportsof consumer fraud and consumer complaints about life, health, automobile,homeowners, and/or property insurance. Insurance carriers are subject to marketconduct examinations and other actions to monitor compliance with Maryland law.The MIA also has a unit dedicated to consumer education and outreach, whichparticipates in hundreds of events and reaches thousands of individualconsumers annually.

* This is a SpecialAppointment position that serves at the pleasure of the appointing authority.


The Assistant Director will assist the Director ofConsumer Health Coverage Assistance in managing the operations and carrying outthe goals and objectives of the Health Coverage Assistance Team (H-CAT). Thisposition will assign consumer inquiries to appropriate insurance specialists,supporting insurance specialists in providing one-on-one assistance withconsumers, and providing one-on-one assistance to consumers in circumstanceswhere a specific level of expertise is required.


Education : Possession of aBachelors degree from an accredited college or university.

Experience : Four years of experiencein a community outreach, education, or advocacy role with a specific focus onhealth care coverage, programs, or health care insurance.




If you have any questionsabout this recruitment, please contact ....

For immediateconsideration, upload one WORD or PDF file, at the "Resume" tab, thatcontains:

1. a cover letter statingyour interest and specific salary requirements; and

2. a current professionalresume.

If you are unable toapply online, you may submit via mail. Please be sure to include alldocuments listed above to ensure timely processing. Complete applicationpackets may be mailed to:

Maryland InsuranceAdministration

Human Resources -Recruitment #: 2...

St. Paul Place, Suite2700

Baltimore, MD 21202

Incomplete submissionwill not receive consideration.

TTY Users: call viaMaryland Relay

We thank our Veterans fortheir service to our country, and encourage them to apply.

As an equal opportunityemployer, Maryland is committed to recruiting, retaining and promotingemployees who are reflective of the States diversity.

Job ID: 469031199
Originally Posted on: 3/13/2025

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